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    This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 90 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 25.00%

    Desavery Affiliate Terms

    • Product - We send you product 4 times a year (sometimes the products might vary slightly depending on any new launches we have)
    • Instagram Post on your feed - We encourage you to post whenever you see fit. 
    • Instagram Story - We encourage you to post whenever you see fit. An idea would be 2-3 stories at one given time of a more interactive view i.e. you smelling the products, putting them on, taking them away with you, etc. Really focusing on that "lifestyle" element.
    • Instagram Live - We would like at least 1 Instagram live with you within the first 6 months of us launching our partnership.
    • Brand Exclusivity - Although we would love for you to not promote any other skincare brand we understand that this isn't always possible. We would've discussed this with you prior to launching so this term is subject to what we have already agreed with you as an individual.
    • Redistribution - You cannot sell our products on any third party website. If you have a personal website and would like to list our products on there please do let us know before doing so. 

    What You Will Get

    • Our agreed sales commission of each purchase made through your direct platform.
    • Over the course of the year you will receive products that have an approximate retail value of £700.
    • Lots of help and support from our side: we’re here to answer questions, give you more information about the products and generally help with some of the heavy lifting with regards to supplying you with information and material for your posts/lives. We’re very keen to work directly with you in whatever way you need. 
    • A personalised code for you should you wish to purchase gifts for your friends or family. You are also able to share this with your followers.
    • Should this affiliate be successful we are open to collaborating further in order to benefit and grow both our audiences and hopefully as we grow you will grow with us too.


    We are very selective on who we work with and what 'voice' we are looking for. We have found a handful of you that we think work perfectly and really truly understand what we as a brand are about. As a small business it is imperative to us that others see this too.  

    We view this relationship just like we would our best customers. There is so much we can do together and we see this as a two-way, dynamic relationship. Should you wish to discuss the terms further we would be delighted. Please note that these are guidelines and are happy to work with you how best you see fit. We are not stuck on any of our points, our thinking is that we want it to be worth your while so that's why we have come up with these suggestions however we are open to feedback.



    We are a small company that prides itself on our exclusive relationship with our customers. We use the information you provide us with in order to keep you updated on new products and to learn more about how to satisfy our customer needs and provide a good experience with Desavery Ltd. We are committed to being open and honest about how we use your information. Here is how we currently use your information: - To send you our products - To send you notifications about your order (shipping, order confirmation etc.) - To check in and see how you are getting on with the products, occasionally send a newsletter with product updates, interesting content and company information. - Fraud prevention and detection - Sometimes showing Desavery on other websites that you may visit including social media platforms - To learn about our customers likes and interests so we can deliver even better or new products - When you visit our site, we can see your location, your ip number and the device you are on (but we don’t know who you are or any other details) this is so we can understand how to set up our site so it’s easy to navigate and helps us understand our customers


    We do not hold your card information. Our store is hosted on Shopify. They provide us with the online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you.


    We do not sell any of your personal data to any third party companies. If you submit content to Desavery Ltd. (photographs, comments, testimonials) either through this site, in emails to Desavery or on social platforms, you agree that Desavery may use your personal information and this content as permitted under this Privacy Policy, including reproducing the content on the website and in Desavery’s marketing and advertising materials.


    You can choose to stop receive marketing messages from us at any time. This can be done: · In your account · Clicking the "Unsubscribe" link in your email · Contacting us directly via [email protected] We will update your preferences when you tell us about the change. However, please note that it can take a few days for some of our systems to update, so you may receive some marketing messages during this process. This change to your contact preferences will not stop communications regarding any orders you place, such as order confirmation and shipping emails.


    Occasionally you might see Desavery banners and adverts on other websites and apps to keep you up to date with any news or offers and to show you products which may be of interest to you. Each advertiser uses its own tracking cookies, examples of these are Google AdWords or Google Shopping. We are able to show these adverts and banners to you using a number of digital marketing networks and ad exchanges. We also use different advertising technologies such as pixels, tags, cookies and specific targeting services from some sites and social networks, such as Facebook's Custom Audiences or Pinterest.


    If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or the way we process your personal data, please contact us and we will be happy to help. You can get in touch with us via email [email protected]